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1. How long have you been caring for children in your home?

a. GNCC has been caring for children (youngest: 8weeks, oldest 10 years old) since March 19, 2007.


2. Do you provide references?

a. Yes, we provide a list at interview time.


3. What kinds of things do you do with the children?

a. We have free play as well as structured play (circle time, story time) Focus areas are music, song, dance and exercise. We enjoy arts & crafts, painting, puzzles, cooking and science. We also offer an introductory pre-school readiness program, focusing on the alphabet, numbers, colors, and opposites & computer skill curriculum. Daily outdoor play is also part of our day.


4. What are your views on discipline?

a. We try to discipline in a positive, loving but firm manner that is age appropriate. Re-direction is a vital tool. As a last resort we use the "time-out", where child is removed from activity and placed on time-out mat or corner for a short period of time as we discuss conflict resolution in an age appropriate manner.


5. How much television is viewed?

a. Video streaming and TV programming may be used during transition periods, arrival, departure and during lunch preparation. (PBS: Sesame Street , Universal Kids, & Disney shows)


b. However, due to the different learning styles of the children, we do incorporate visual learning into our program and follow-up with a fun learning session; Ms. Rachel, Ms. Houston, Leap Frog, Preschool Prep, & other various educational streaming and computer programs.


6. What type of field trips do you take? 

a. We participate in Monthly Field trips during the Spring & Summer months. Our field trips have included visits to: Various Parks, Water Play & The National Zoo in the summer, a visit to the pumpkin patch in the Fall with parent involvement and Watkins Park in the Spring & Summer. We love to use the indoor gyms/playgrounds- yet another way we incorporate physical and social development into our program :)


7. What happens if my child becomes sick during the day?

a. You will be notified to pick up child without hesitation. If you cannot be reached within 45 minutes, your emergency contact will be notified to pick up your child. To ensure the health safety of the providers & other children, we ask that you abide by this policy.


8. How sick does a child have to be before they cannot attend daycare?

a. If your child exhibits any symptoms such as excessive cough or running nose, fever, vomiting, rash, diarrhea and/or any other contagious symptoms, within 24 hours, PLEASE keep your child home. Attempt to treat or consult a doctor.


b. If your child is unable to participate in our activities, he/she should not attend daycare. Lets face it, children really do not want to be away from their parents when feeling sick!! GNCC is not equipped to care for sick children. It's simply not fair to the child, the providers and all of the other children.


9. What happens if you (provider) get sick?

a. With GNCC having two providers on site daily, there is hardly ever an instance were GNCC is closed due to illness of a provider (unless there's an illness outbreak). As mentioned before, the child to adult ratio is 8:1, so if this was to happen, GNCC (may) still be able to open as scheduled.


b. We make every effort to be available each scheduled work day, however, we are human and there will be times when we may become ill. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have a backup provider available. I will let you know as soon as possible if I will not open the daycare due to us illness or emergency of family member.


10. What other (non-required) training to you have to provide care for children?

a. Ms. Keonna completed her studies at PGCC in May 2013 with Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education/Special Education. She attended online, evening and weekend classes after daycare hours.


- In September 2024, Ms. Keonna will resume her American Sign Language (ASL) online courses at PGCC. She plans on sharing her learnings with the children, even while in progress of her certificate.


b. Both providers also continue to obtain a minimum of 12 hours in required courses and workshops mandated by the State of Maryland throughout each year.

11. What required trainings have you taken?

a. First Aid & CPR/AED for Adults and Infants (renewed every two years)

b. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

c. Emergency Preparedness Training

d. Health, Safety & Nutrition Training


....and other various trainings that will be viewed in our portfolio during the interview process.


12. When are you scheduled to be open?

a. GNCC is open on a Monday - Friday (year-around schedule.) The daycare opens it's doors at 7:00a.m. & we close at 6:00p.m. & adjusted hours during the Summer months.


b. We ask that parents include approximate pick-up & drop-off times within enrollment paperwork. This helps us prepare your child for departure. GNCC suggests no more than 9.5 hours of care per day. Trust us, your child hates to be the last one at daycare :(


13. Do you have a specific daily schedule?

a. Yes, however, the first rule in working with children is that one must remain open to the unexpected changes that occur daily. The daily schedule will be in your Parent Handbook.


b. Parents have the option to receive daily reports via Class Dojo app. This app details your child's day. Informing you on your child's mood, food consumption, diapering & potty training details, daily activities & notes to parents.


14. When is tuition due?

a. Tuition due dates are agreed upon at enrollment between parent & provider. All fees are due either Monday or Friday, before the week of care commences. They can be paid on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. Cash, Personal Check, Zelle & Paypal* (+3% fee*) payments are accepted. Payments not received on agreed date will accrue a $30 per day late fee.


15. What is included in my weekly fee?

a. Weekly tuition rate ensures your child(ren) is provided with daily TLC and attention of two licensed educators, meals and snacks for children 1 years old and older, year-around curriculum & toy & supply purchases, field trips, office supplies, frequent purchases of PPE and cleaning services.  


16. What's the difference between infant and toddler age/ capacity ratio?

a. Your child is considered an "infant" from birth to 24 months old.

b. GNCC can care up to to eight (8) children (four (4) can be infant age) per two (2) providers. 

17. Will my tuition rate ever increase?

a. Possibly. This increase would help with the rising and unpredictable cost of food, utilities- electricity & water, self-employment taxes and special insurances.


b. *There can be an increase in tuition at any time, based on economic times but you will be properly notified*


c. Preschool Readiness age enrollees (2.5-5yrs) do have a yearly supply list for our daily learning curriculum and activities. Parents will receive list 60 days prior to items required OR parent can opted to submit fee of $50 & GNCC will purchase supplies for you. 


18. Must I pay if my child is away sick or away for some other reason?

a. Yes, you are paying for your child's enrolled position - not attendance.


19. Are you available for overtime?

a. No, Daycare hours are set for very specific reasons. By law, children are NOT to be in daycare for more than 10 hours a day. We love our personal time and space. We have other obligations after hours. Please respect that.


b. Late pick-up fees are implemented for parents arriving after closing time. $3 per minute is due at pick-up.


20. How long do you plan to provide childcare?

a. Good question! We really enjoy our career as a Childcare Professionals. Teaching and interacting with children on a daily basis is very rewarding. We love being our own bosses and we like not fighting traffic, snowy days and deadlines (with recent expansion & relocation in September 2022)! 


With that said, we'll be in business for GENERATIONS to come! :)


21. What foods are on your menu?

a. Parents will be provided with email attachment and print out of our four (4) week menu. Menus are rotated weekly "Food Menus & Newsletter" section for current meal week.


1.) GNCC provides breakfast & PM snack daily. Parents are responsible to supply lunch. 


1.) Light afternoon snacks include the rotation of: fruits, graham & club crackers, goldfish, cheez-itz, yogurt, applesauce (fruit puree), and animal crackers.


22. Are there any other adults in your home while the children are present?

a. Other than Mr. Kyle & approved substitutes, NO.

We object to unscheduled visitors/maintenance visits during daycare hours, unless it's an emergency that affect daycare operations.

23. Do I work for the state?

a. (Ms Keonna): No. We are self-employed. We pay self-employment tax. The business is state licensed, but it is solely my business. More than half of my salary is re-invested back into the business. I set my own hours, tuition rates, policies and procedures, to help cover the cost of curriculum, monthly house expenses, employee salaries, etc. The state only assures that my home is safe and clean & that I have the required knowledge needed, in my effort to provide care for children. Always ask to see a provider's license, when visiting or enrolling your child into another facility. I have a tax identification number used for tax purposes. All clients are given this information yearly with tax statements.


24. Once my child is potty trained, will my rate decrease?

a. Yes, your weekly rate will decrease when your child is FULLY POTTY TRAINED. GNCC does assist in this stage of life but it's very important that we work as a team. So let's work together to save money on daycare expense :)



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